Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Baby is coming

Shelley is now in labor and we are expecting the baby today. We'll announce the name when the baby is born, but here are some hints.
  • it's a girl
  • the name is both that of an island and plant
  • the following is the distribution for the name's popularity in the US (the higher the shape, the more popular the name was that year)
 Email Kendall your guesses (if you want) or reply to this blog post.

Thanks for all the name guesses. 
Hazel Island is Located Here
Hazelnut Tree
The name Hazel peaked in popularity in the 1890's (an 1890's typical Hazel shown below)


  1. There are a few girls names that come to mind that are both an island and a plant: Florence, Rose, and Tiara. Have an easy delivery Shelley! Hang in there Kendall! Love, Uncle Paul

  2. Auntie shawna's first guess is Amelia.

  3. Good luck and wishing you guys a quick labor! I also have a few guesses, like my father. Catalina, Fern, Ivy, and Daisy! We need MORE clues to narrow it down, Kendall! Love, Auntie Mel :)
