Shelley is now past her due date and very ready for the baby to come out and enjoy an external Christmas. Shelley has been awesome. She has been walking, cleaning the house, and even doing Pilates, via Jessie her sister/instructor.
We also got a zoo membership and Cayman and I went today and checked out the petting zoo. Cayman first made sure he pet each animal exactly once in frantic around the stable frenzy. He then found a beautiful white goat sitting on a box and quietly climbed up and sat next to it. He sat there with the goat for almost 10 minutes. He occasionally pet it and even kissed the goat a couple times. The goat gave gentle goat noises of approval.
At the zoo, Cayman also got to go on his first Marry-Go-Round. He choose a fiberglass panda, but that turned out to be a slightly scary experience. Cayman was brave, however, and made through all six revolutions.